Letters from Earthling
Letter No. 1

“Letters from Earthling” is an epistolary series written by Earthling to their extragalactic pen pal known simply as "Friend.”

Letter No. 1 is about creating and sharing beauty in times of horror. From cold, hard ground, hope can blossom. Published online as a comic and in the June 23, 2024 print issue of The New York Times, Sunday Arts & Leisure section.  

Art Director: Jennifer Ledbury

Does your relationship help you grow?

I was glowing with joy when I received an illustration assignment about the expansiveness of love! Published online as an interactive quiz and in the February 13, 2024 Relationships issue of The Washington Post’s Health & Science Section. 

From the kind, listening bunny to the bat bringing heart-shaped cookies to their beloved, the little characters floating in my heart got to come out and play!

Editor: Hannah Good

A Thin Line Billboard

Billboard design for Galeria Rusz/Rusz Foundation in Toruń, Poland.

When I was sketching ideas for the billboard, the radio was spewing out the latest horrors from Ukraine, numbers and strategies explained as if war were a game with no consequences to humanity. And as I was completing this work in summer 2022, I thought of the Palestinian people facing brutal attacks by the Israeli military.

While I have been privileged to grow up in bubbles of cautious stability, being from a country that committed atrocious crimes, colonized their neighbors, and was later silenced to “peace” by the American atomic bombs, I am aware of just how thin and complex that line is, between war and peace.

The Magic of Block Party Season

To me, there’s nothing like enjoying burgers on the stoop with my neighbors and tapping my feet as musicians jam out on the street. I created this piece to celebrate NYC’s block party culture! Published online as a comic and in the August 6, 2023 print issue of The New York Times, Sunday Arts & Leisure section.  

Art Director: Jennifer Ledbury

Cat Therapy Comic

A comic about my cat sitting journey for The New York Times Well. Cats have helped me process, heal, and feel more grounded in difficult times.

Art Director: Sarah Williamson